Building Technical Systems

Services Detail

Personally and through a network of expert collaborators, professionals and specialists, operating in the technical system sector, we mainly deal with issues relating to technical and economic analysis, design, construction management and consultancy; offering various services especially in the field of energy analysis, refurbishments and requalifications, technical systems for buildings and building automation:

Among the main projects and specialized services that we can offer:

  • Design of mechanical systems for civil, residential and commercial buildings;
  • Winter and summer conditioning systems:
  • Heating systems with condensing boilers;
  • Hybrid Systems;
  • Systems with Heat Pumps;
  • Radiant heating systems;
  • DHW systems;
  • Solar thermal systems;
  • Ventilation systems;
  • Design and testing of home automation systems;
  • Fire-fighting water systems (hydrant network systems, sprinkler systems);
  • Fire alarm and signal detection systems;
  • Electrical systems;
  • Photovoltaic systems;
  • Fire prevention practices
  • Thermal plants;
  • INAIL procedures and authorization requests;
  • Authorization practices at the municipality;
  • Authorization procedures for photovoltaic systems;
  • Consulting and ordinary and extraordinary maintenance management;

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